About Rosy Colour

In short, this blog is a document of how I manage my health in positive ways. Welcome to my blog /smiles from Teena xoxox

For the last five years I’ve been unemployed, although in my old life I was an ambitious professional who led a ridiculously frenetic lifestyle in a small town. I never wasted a moment, let alone a whole year. My life now is very, very different to that and anything I ever imagined for myself.

I would like my blog to be about the daily decisions I make in my attempts to manage my health in positive ways. Its a record of the sorts of activities I do to make the most of the situation I have come to after many turns and pitfalls along my journey so far. My goal is to have a healthy glow of rosy colour about me, some peace and grace, and to be content to live a simple life of normality.

I’m now a stay at home mum to baby Thomas, and am blissfully married to David. We live in sunny Brisbane, Australia.

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